Alamo Placita Neighbors Association
We strive to protect our quality of life, preserve the historic nature of our neighborhood, and promote a deep sense of community in our neighborhood.
Founded in 1984, the Alamo Placita Neighbors Association (APNA) is the official Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO) with the City and County of Denver for residents residing in the Alamo Placita Neighborhood (see boundaries map at the link above).
There are approximately 1,200 households within the APNA boundaries, and membership is conferred on the basis of residing or operating a business within the neighborhood.
The APNA Board is a volunteer organization that works to foster community engagement through social events, educate residents, and communicate issues that relate to our area of Denver.
We are always looking for more people to get involved and details about the organization and neighborhood events are included on this website. Please feel free to email us with the areas that interest you or general suggestions you may have.
Our Mission
The mission of the Alamo Placita Neighbors Association is to preserve and enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by:
fostering a sense of community identity, spirit and activism through effective communications and interactions among our neighbors; and
seeking to preserve the historic and architectural legacy and predominantly residential character of our neighborhood through efforts to assure that new residential or commercial development and city improvements are compatible with the existing fabric of the area; and
participating in planning, zoning, safety, and other decisions and issues affecting our neighborhood through advocacy before government agencies and elected representatives and liaison with other community organizations.
What APNA Does
Monthly Board meetings open to all members
Hosts monthly happy hours
Annual Pancake Breakfast at Alamo Placita Park
Sends emails with important announcements
Active participation in key zoning issues
Liaises with Denver agencies, boards, and commissions (i.e., Parks & Rec, Landmark Preservation, Zoning)
Participates in Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC) and Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods (CHUN)
Partners in Preservation
Partners in Preservation recognizes contributions in community connections, historic preservation, neighborhood safety.